Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Don't worry girls, I'll take care of this one.

Do you know the Dervish-whirling, magic-tricking, bungee-jumping, question-asking, no-prisoner-taking, shark-dragging, shoe-losing wonders that are Tessa and Alisa?

I do.
What to do when encountering one, or both, of these unique creatures: First, stay calm. Second, make them show you a traveler's trick and third, answer all their questions - it's usually in your best interests.

This photograph is evidence in order to eliminate any doubt as to whether or not the girls actually were in Africa. I had to work for a few hours on a Sunday and so I decided to leave the girls to their own devices at the Rosebank Flea Market. When I returned they were not ready to leave. One hour later, they still were not ready to leave. Concerned, I decided to try to find them. Walking through the market I wondered what they could possibly still be doing, with stalls everywhere closing up for the day.
I happened upon the young lasses assisting a Sudanese jewelry seller with packing away all of his hundreds of sets of earrings into tiny little plastic bags. In the midst of our Xenophobic crisis we had foreign foreigners helping local foreigners. It's complicated... we know.

This was another result of the Flea Market Quest. Here you will witness true use of mind power.

Did you ever find yourself wondering how they get by, traveling the world with but one pair of sandals? What, pray tell, do they do about cold feet ?(the literal kind). Well here it is.
Now you know.

So well behaved. This image is for the viewing pleasure of nervous parents, worried aunts and other concerned individuals who suffer from constant visual flashes of their darlings jumping off bridges, taking unreliable cross-country taxi rides and other death-defying stunts.
When in doubt, come back to this photograph. Breathe. Count to ten. Resume panic.

Medical experts finding a cure for cancer; Scientists formulating an AIDS vaccine; Environmentalists stumbling upon a simple solution for global warming could not understand the pure joy of the discovery of the juice goggles.

...too much?

A little melodrama never killed anyone.

...did it?

This is a tribute to aunt Judy!
Without whom we would never have met these edgy twirlers in the first place.
Or perhaps we would have... Who knows?
The world is getting smaller - and the truth is getting harder to tell.

With Love



Robin D said...

that is some impressive brain power you demonstrate, Alisa! You could probably cure cancer or something with that kind of mind : )

Anonymous said...

Wayto go I knew you were psyic How could I ever have doubted you.Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Luke said...

oh anonymous was luke still learning