Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Return of the Puppets

We wandered into a little tailor shop in Madaba, Jordan and noticed a fantastic puppet (or is it an oven mit?) hanging on the wall near the ceiling. The following ensued:


Anonymous said...

whoa was that ever a cool & talented puppet show....can't wait to see my baby!!! brightmom

Beth said...

this made my night. as i prepare to return to el salvador in just 4 hours...uuuhhhh still not finished packing....and this crazy year i have had abraod i think if you guys alot and love reading your crazy adventures. they are so different from mine....yet still made of the same human stuff...i wish we could have crossed paths in el salvador or thailand, but i hope that you have an incredible time in asia. let me know if you plan to go to cambodia. we befriended a wonderful taxi driver named martin in cambodia who does dirtbike trips to hard to get places. and he is amazing and will take you out to dinner with his family and tell you his life story and take you to the killing fields and all other sorts of intensity. he is fire.

love and live to you and safe wonderful travels. i hope we cross someday. tessa especially i hope we can speak thai to each other. chan kitung brated thai maak maak lao!!!!