Wednesday, July 22, 2009


While in southern India, we decided to take a little vacation because, as we all know, traveling can be hard work. We set off to the state of Kerala, heralded by many as one of the most beautiful places in the world and referred to by locals (and the tourist industry) as God's Own Country.

And since neither of us can necessarily remember a lot, from now on we're just going to post individual captions of whatever we do remember.

Alisa: Our first night in the town of Varkala we were asked to help promote a dance club/restaurant. We jumped on the chance! (They offered us half priced drinks!) Within seconds we transformed our hair into cones and were actively trying to get others to join the club. Hours later however, not too many people had joined our crew. Nevertheless, we made it out to the dance floor and danced, danced, danced.
Tessa: I can't believe we failed to draw a crowd. At least the employees (pictured above) were perhaps a little less bored than they would've been otherwise. Although, by how seriously they danced, I think this was a typical night for them.

Alisa: "True Love is True Hearts."
Tessa: So . . . true.

Alisa: "A Positive attitudes create a chain reaction of positive thoughts." This is the philosophy we live by.
Tessa: Auto rickshaw decorations never fail to provide invaluable wisdom.

Alisa: I don't remember this but it reminds me of "The Lion King."
Tessa: It reminds me of dinosaurs.

Alisa: This reminds me of Kansas.
Tessa: Minus the mountains.

Alisa: Florence, Oregon.
Tessa: Especially the palm trees.

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