Wednesday, July 22, 2009


We're back! After months of saying we would catch up on the blog, we are finally getting caught up. We decided that if nothing else, it will nice for us to be able to look back on this blog and see a bit of representation from the whole journey. We have 17 posts almost ready to post and over the next few weeks, we will post a couple every few days. So, keep checking back in!

This first post, however, is dedicated to our friend, Tina. We met Tina in Laos last November and last weekend she came to visit us in Eugene, Oregon on her way back to London after a year of travel.

We decided immediately that we would have to spend all our time together in "fancy dress." Luckily we throw our fancy dress outfits together really fast.

Our first fancy dress was 80s . . . ish.

Then at 12:30am we decided that our true selves were fairies and that it was really important for us to make wings. With a few pairs of nylon and a couple hangers, we were in business.

To reconnect with our fairy selves we spent some time communing with our natural environment.

After driving up the Oregon coast and meeting lots of wonderful locals like this family:

and this guy:

and these folks:

and this glass jeweler:

and this kid who gifted us with beautiful flowers:

Well, after that, we were in a rush to get to Portland so we pulled over in the Thriftway parking lot and gave our wings the final touch: glitter.


We found a bar with a really big bathroom so we could change into our outfits and attach our wings. We spent the rest of the night spreading fairy love and gifting lucky individuals with fairy power-infused seashells that if placed under one's pillow will grant you a wish.

The next day we snuck into the northwest reggae fest. However, we did not incur bad karma because we were dressed as rastafaeries, which officially deflects bad karma.

To bring it all full circle, we went out to dinner with both our parents - just as we did before we left in January 2008.

On our last morning we sported Alisa's special business suits and went on a walking tour of Eugene.

A special little place on earth.

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